An 'other stuff ' post. A friend recently sent me some samples of work by Mexican artist/tattooist Dr Lakra who reworks vintage magazine covers and photos from the 50's with tattoo designs and other graphic icons.
I did this illustration over the weekend for my portfolio. The figure (and inspiration for this piece) was reworked from artwork I had done a few years ago for a story about spray on tanning that ended up not being printed.
One of my hobbies is collecting "Good Girl Art" paperbacks. Above are a couple of new additions to that collection that I snatched up on a recent book excursion to Charlottesville VA.
The term Good Girl Art (G.G.A. for short) is collector's lingo referring to the art rather than the seductive and often 'bad' girls illustrated on the covers of these pocket sized pulps, which were churned out by publishers during the 40's - late 60's.
Also attached is a video I made with some of my covers showing the variety of great illustrations and varied genres of these covers. Enjoy.
( I'd never tried iMovie before, but had fun learning the basics while creating this)
There were lots of good pictures of her to use as reference, but I liked the 'dynamic' of the few I found where she was mugging for the camera. It was a little more challenging, but I like the way it turned out.